BIOFLEX Laser Therapy
Eliminate pain ~ Reduce Inflammation ~ Accelerate Healing
Healing Laser Therapy is the treatment of choice for:
Soft Tissue and Sports Injuries
Ligament/tendon/muscle tears
Knee disfunction
Dermatologial Conditions
Maturing Skin
Cellulite Reduction
Repetitive Stress Injuries
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Rotator Cuff Injuries
Back Problems
Degenerative Osteoarthritis
Spinal Stenosis/Sciatica
Disc Herniation
Inflammatory Conditions
Tendonitis (supraspinatus, achilles)
Plantar Fasciitis
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Temporo-mandibular Joint Dysfunction
Healing Laser Therapy
This therapy is completely safe and has no adverse side effects.
The technology utilizes superluminous and laser diodes to irradiate diseased or traumatized tissues with photons. These particles of energy are selectively absorbed by the cell membrane and intracellular molecules, resulting in the initiation of a cascade of complex physiological reactions, leading to the restoration of normal cell structure and function.
The process is curative and therefore results in the elimination of symptoms including pain. In addition, it enhances the body’s immune system response and facilitates natural healing.
The physiological effects of LILT include an increase in:
The protein building block essential to the process of cell regeneration
Increases tensile strength of muscles, tendons and ligaments.
Fibroblasts stimulated for increased collagen production in skin.
The fuel of the cell required in facilitating cell metabolism
Morphine life substances produced by the body to reduce the sensation of pain.
Stimulation of:
-immune response
-lymphatic drainage (reduction in edema)
-angiogenesis: formation of new capillaries and arterioles resulting in improved circulation/tissue oxygenation.
-stored cellulite and toxin release
Call us to book a consultation
Your first laser treatment is FREE!
Therapeutic Laser Treatment ~ 45 minutes ~ $60
Therapeutic Laser Treatment ~ 60 minutes ~ $80
Healing Laser Therapy
From Basic Science to Advanced Technology
Compared to traditional treatment, patients recover from musculoskeletal and peripheral nerve injuries with less scar tissue, accelerated cell regeneration, and improved function.
Effective Pain Relief without Side Effects
Clinically Proven Benefits:
Improved pain relief
Decreased edema and stiffness
Decreased scarring
Decreased recurrence of injury
Increased patient satisfaction
Decreased recovery time
Increased range of motion
Faster return to activities
No side effects
Frequently Asked Questions:
How long does a treatment take?
Treatments are typically thirty to sixty minutes in duration depending on the condition being treated.
Are there any side effects?
Unlike most pharmaceutical solutions and other therapeutic options, laser therapy is non-toxic, noninvasive and in over one million individual treatments, no significant adverse effects have been noted.
How many treatments are required?
The number of treatments will depend on the chronicity and the extent of the pathology involved. Based on the genetic makeup of the cells, an individual’s response to LILT will vary to some degree. A recent clinical review, including 1,000 consecutively treated patients, reveals the average number of treatments to be 9.4.